Vision, Goals and All geared up for 2024.

Have you decided if you’re sharing them with friends for accountability or you’re keeping it a secret, because well, if nothing works out nobody will know just you? Either way you decide I just hope you have at least one goal that you intend to achieve in this 2024.

Count it all Joy.

Her story gave me hope, that in life we are made for much more and we shouldn’t aim for less. I know it’s a very popular cliché, breaking ceilings, reaching for the sky, you all know the drill. When I see familiar people achieve so much, I know there is possibility for me to achieve that too.

A little chat on Mental health.

As I am therapist hunting I have decided to go back to reading, I haven’t done that in a while. I am also about to start listening to self-help podcasts, because this year the theme is; Blessing, Money, Testimonies, go follow me wherever I go. With a declining mental state, all these won’t be fully enjoyed.

My Interesting Music Taste;

And one thing we can all agree despite having different music taste, it is one of the best things that has ever happened to humanity and it is very therapeutic and healing to the soul.

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